Forum Digest
The Charles University Magazine
Digest of vol. 1, nos. 1-6
Forum UK is published fortnightly by the Rectorate of Charles University.
Editorial offices: Ovocny trh 5, 116 36 Praha 1, Czech Republic.
Tel.: Prague (422) 24 491 348. Tel./fax: Prague (422) 24 491 309.
Editor-in-Chief: PhDr. Michaela Zindelova.
Editor: PhDr. Nora Dolanska.
Secretary: Michaela Vlckova.
Director of the Editorial Board: Doc. Ing. Ivan Wilhelm, DrSc., Pro-Rector of Charles University.
Translation: Cyril Simsa.
This selection from vol. 1, nos. 1-6, was published in July 1995.
Forum is distributed free on academic soil.
Also available on URL = "" (Charles University Computer Centre).
Printing facilities furnished by Hermes Publishing.
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